Craig Barton interviews guests from the wonderful world of education about their approaches to teaching, educational research and more. All show notes, resources and videos here: https://www.mrbartonmaths.com/blog/
In this episode I talk to fellow maths teacher, Craig Latimir, about his process for planning a lesson… and it takes us 3 hours. But this is one of my favourite conversations I have had on the podcast. It should be useful whatever your level of teaching experience, but particularly useful for those n the early stages of their career. I wish I had had someone like Craig to stop me from making so many planning errors in the early days! For resources and videos from this episode just follow this link: mrbartonmaths.com/blog/how-to-plan-a-maths-lesson
Useful time-stamps:
- Craig and I discuss our past lesson planning crimes (15:01)
- Craig shares his key principles for lesson planning (22:45)
- Craig tells us the first thing he thinks about when planning (52:18)
- Craig discusses how he plans and delivers the Do Now (57:18)
- Then the exposition (1:20:37)
- Then modelling (1:29:04)
- Then how he questions and checks for understanding (1:44:32)
- Then how he responds to those checks (1:59:56)
- Then the practice phase (2:08:00)
- And finally the end of the lesson (2:16:15)
- I begin my reflection on all I learned from Craig (2:55:36)

Episode sponsor
This episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast is kindly supported by Oxford University Press’s new Key Stage 3 maths curriculum called Mosaic.
You can find out more by searching for Oxford Smart Mosaic or visiting here
Episode details
This time around I spoke to maths teacher, Craig Latimir. We discussed Craig’s process for planning a maths lesson.
I asked Craig the following questions, and plenty more besides:
- What did your lesson planning process use to look like, and what problems did this lead to in the classroom?
- What are your overall principles of planning now?
- Do you plan in terms of individual lessons, a sequence of lessons, or a hybrid?
And then Craig takes us through the key phases of a lesson, describing how he plans them and exactly how they play out in the lesson, including
- The Do Now
- Exposition
- Modelling
- Checking for understanding
- Responsive teaching
- Practice
- End
I have entitled this episode how to plan a maths lesson, but I suspect the key principles could apply to other subjects. So please feel free to share with your non-maths colleagues if you think this is the case.
Resources from the episode:
Useful time-stamps:
- Craig and I discuss our past lesson planning crimes (15:01)
- Craig shares his key principles for lesson planning (22:45)
- Craig tells us the first thing he thinks about when planning (52:18)
- Craig discusses how he plans and delivers the Do Now (57:18)
- Then the exposition (1:20:37)
- Then modelling (1:29:04)
- Then how he questions and checks for understanding (1:44:32)
- Then how he responds to those checks (1:59:56)
- Then the practice phase (2:08:00)
- And finally the end of the lesson (2:16:15)
- I begin my reflection on all I learned from Craig (2:55:36)
I have made videos of 10 key parts of our conversation. Feel free to share them with colleagues or use them in departmental meetings or CPD sessions:
Here are the direct links to all videos:
- Lesson planning mistakes
- Lesson planning principles
- Lesson planning: the first thing to think about
- Lesson planning: the Do Now
- Lesson planning: exposition
- Lesson planning: modelling
- Lesson planning: check for understanding
- Lesson planning: responsive teaching
- Lesson planning: practice phase
- Lesson planning: the end
For hundreds of other video tips, check out Tips for Teachers, and remember to subscribe to the Tips for Teachers YouTube channel so you never miss a video
On Twitter Craig is: @Teach_Solutions
My usual plugs:
- You can help support the podcast (and get an interactive transcript of this episode) via my Patreon page at patreon.com/mrbartonmaths
- If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of the show, then please visit this page
- You can sign up for my free Tips for Teachers newsletter and my free Eedi newsletter
- My online courses are here: craigbarton.podia.com
- My books are “Tips for Teachers“, “Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain” and “How I wish I’d taught maths”
Thanks for a really useful podcast.
It would be great to see the newspaper article from the 20s announcing that 1 is not a prime number. Do you have a link please?
Thanks for this podcast. I’ve downloaded the resources. I’m sure they will be helpful. However, is it possible to give a summary of what the acronyms he uses are. Some are obvious, MWB for example. Others I’m not so sure about.
BTW – I absolutely love your latest book and will leave a review on Amazon as requested in the podcast.