GCSE Foundation Maths Revision – Resource of the Week

The following resource has been kindly shared on the TES Maths website. It is available to purchase by registering. And to access all the lovely Resource of the Week (ROTW) resources, just click here

Every fourth Resource of the Week this year will highlight a top-quality Premium resource for sale on TES that has been created by a teacher.

What is it?
I am a huge fan of trying to make revision as fun and effective as possible. There are loads of resources on the TES Maths website that do exactly this, and I have featured many of them in the last few series of Resource of the Week. Well, here is another to add to this impressive list. This is a PowerPoint containing over 250 carefully written questions aimed at Foundation GCSE. It has been designed for use with the Quizdom software, but if you don’t have that, then it can be used with something as simple as a class set of mini whiteboards. The questions cover a great deal of the Foundation syllabus, and there is a clever Macro enabled that means the questions appear in a different order each time.

How can it be used?
In my opinion, the key to effective revision is not to get carried away with one particular thing and overdo it until the mere mention of it makes all concerned – students and teacher alike – want to burst into tears. I was guilty of doing this with Tarsia Jigsaws and Collective Memories. So, a few lessons in a row with nothing but this would probably not be the best idea. I would be more a fan of ending every other lesson with a quick-fire 10 question quiz. The randomised nature means you will get something different every time, and if you just use mini whiteboards then the time needed to get it up and running is minimal. 10 questions at the end of a busy lesson might just reenergise your students, and give you a valuable insight into what to focus on in subsequent lessons. A lovely resource.

Thanks for sharing!
Craig Barton

Download GCSE Foundation Revision
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