The following collection of resources have been assembled by the TES Maths Panel. They can be downloaded for free by registering on the TES website. Straight-line graphs and co-ordinates has to be one of theContinue reading
Category: TES
TES Top 10 Resources: Negative Numbers
The following collection of resources have been assembled by the TES Maths Panel. They can be downloaded for free by registering on the TES website. Collection author: Colleen Young, maths secondary panel member Introduction ManyContinue reading
TES Top 10 Resources: Angles
The following collection of resources have been assembled by the TES Maths Panel. They can be downloaded for free by registering on the TES website. 1. Dinky King – Parallel lines angles questions AgeRange: 14 –Continue reading
TES Top 10 Resources: Pythagoras and Trigonometry
The following collection of resources have been assembled by the TES Maths Panel. They can be downloaded for free by registering on the TES website. Maths Deputy Curriculum Leader Will Emeny picks his top 10Continue reading
TES Top 10 Resources: Factors, Multiples and Primes
The following collection of resources have been assembled by the TES Maths Panel. They can be downloaded for free by registering on the TES website. TES Maths panel member Claire Green picks some of herContinue reading
TES Top 10 Resources: Back to School
The following collection of resources have been assembled by the TES Maths Panel. They can be downloaded for free by registering on the TES website. TES Maths panel member Jessica Ballard picks out 10 of theContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 38 – FIFA World Cup
World Cup fever is approaching (although I am sensing a little less optimism about England’s chances than normal). What better way to celebrate this momentous occasion than to introduce a lovely but of maths intoContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 37 – Comparing Box and Whisker Plots
Comparing box and whisker diagrams in a meaningful, relevant way is something that higher GCSE students find notoriously difficult. Comments such as “they have a bigger interquartile range” without knowing what that means, or worseContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 36 – Algebra Cluedo
If you are looking forward for a fun, engaging way for your students to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of crucial algebra skills, then look no further than this lovely activity! Based round the classicContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 35 – Core 1 and Core 2 Revision Notes
It’s that time of year when your Year 12 AS Maths students will (hopefully!) be preparing hard for the upcoming summer exams. If they are anything like my students, their class notes might well beContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 34 – Histogram Cut-up Activity
I was looking for something to help my Year 11s consolidate (and extend) their knowledge of histograms, that avoided having to go back through numerous examples and exam questions. And then I remembered this classicContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 33 – Texting whilst Driving
A lovely resource that addresses some crucial mathematical skills, but also has an incredibly important message for students. “Texting Whilst Driving” is one of my favourite resources that I have come across on TES. Firstly,Continue reading
TES Maths ROTW 32 – Gnomes’ Homes
Something completely different this week. It’s time for some Gnomes homes! This is a lovely activity that challenges students to construct 8 different houses out of 5 multi-link cubes. They then need to draw themContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 31 – Number Gym
With GCSEs looming on the horizon, getting your students’ key number skills up to scratch is a key part of their preparations. This helps boost their confidence, their ability to check answers, and has aContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 30 – GCSE Topic Log
This was my Resource of the Year for 2013, and it is not hard to see why. This is a complete set of worksheets on some of the most important GCSE topics. But it isContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 29 – Angles and Percentage Golf
I am a big fan of when one activity practises a lot of crucial skills, and especially when it does it in a fun and innovative way. This golf activity certainly does that. In orderContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 28 – Maths Magic
This activity went down so well with my Year 7s that it inspired them to create their own puzzles to test out on their friends. One girl even described it as her favourite maths lessonContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 27 – Tarsia with Pictures
Those of you who have been following my work for the last several years will know I absolutely love a Tarsia jigsaw. The first ROTW of this current series looked at an innovative way ofContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 26 – Fractions Superhero Lesson
Bringing superheroes and the Justice League of America into the maths classroom to help solve all your fraction needs! I love it when a teacher uploads a complete lesson to TES. It means you getContinue reading
TES Maths ROTW 25 – Lock Problems
Imagine you were a student and you walked into your classroom and there was a padlocked box sitting there on the table… This series of “Lock Problems” provide a challenging, engaging series of resources thatContinue reading