*** I have produced a series of online workshops. High-quality, low-cost, professional development you can take at a time and place that suits you. Find out more here: craigbarton.podia.com *** Hello and welcome to another episode of the MrContinue reading
Category: Podcast
#114 Robert Kaplinsky: Depth of Knowledge, Open Middle Problems and effective CPD
*** I have produced a series of online workshops. High-quality, low-cost, professional development you can take at a time and place that suits you. Find out more here: craigbarton.podia.com *** Hello and welcome to another episode ofContinue reading
#113 Teaching from Home: Jamie Frost – Dr Frost Maths and virtual whiteboards
*** The Teaching from Home podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home orContinue reading
Teaching from Home: Matt Hood – Oak National Academy and ResearchED Home
*** The Teaching from Home podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home orContinue reading
#112 Teaching from Home: Ollie Lovell and Bryn Humberstone – Checking for understanding, Desmos and lessons learned
*** The Teaching from Home podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home orContinue reading
#111 Teaching from Home: Jules Daulby – supporting students with Special Educational Needs
*** The Teaching from Home podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home orContinue reading
#110 Teaching from Home: Helen Williams – supporting Early Years students
*** The Teaching from Home podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home orContinue reading
#109 Paul Kirschner and Carl Hendrick: How learning happens
*** This podcast is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home or to share withContinue reading
#108 Teaching from Home: Jon Hutchinson – making videos for primary school students
*** The Teaching from Home podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home orContinue reading
#107 Teaching from Home: Adam Boxer – retrieval, conducting interviews, and staying safe and sane
*** The Teaching from Home podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home orContinue reading
#106 Teaching from Home: Dan Pearcy – Google Meets, Poll Everywhere and 5 principles for remote teaching
*** The Teaching from Home podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning atContinue reading
#105 Teaching from Home: Jo Morgan – Hegarty Maths, family life, and why she will not be doing “live” lessons
*** This podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home orContinue reading
#104 Teaching from Home: Michael Pershan – Zoom, Assessment for Learning and a careful choice of questions
*** This podcast series is kindly supported by Tes resources. Tes resources have created a home learning collection full of hand-picked free resources for teachers to use with children who are learning at home orContinue reading
#103 Teaching from Home: Ben Rooney – structure, social interactions and experimenting with technology
Hello and welcome to another episode of the Mr Barton Maths podcast, with me Craig Barton. This is the first episode in my Teaching from Home podcast series. I am recording this on Sunday theContinue reading
#102 Special episode: Online learning during the Covid-19 outbreak
On this special episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast, I spoke to Ollie Bowles, Jim Noble and Richard Wade from the Toulouse International School about what they have earned about teaching remotely in the early stagesContinue reading
#101 Conference Takeaways: MathsConf22 – Manchester – March 2020
*** This episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast is kindly sponsored by the engineering “Take a Closer Look” campaign To find out more please visit here *** Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Mr Barton MathsContinue reading
#100 Daisy Christodoulou – Teachers vs Tech!
On this episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast, I spoke to Daisy Christodoulou. Daisy is a former English teacher and the former Head of Assessment at Ark Schools. She now works for No More Marking,Continue reading
#099 Topics in Depth: Angles and parallel lines with Jo Morgan (supported by TES)
Something different from this episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast. This is the second episode in the Topics in Depth series, with me and Jo Morgan. Following on from Episode 1 on Indices, this timeContinue reading
#098 Kris Boulton – Part 3: Is cognitive science almost useless for designing effective teaching?
*** This episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast is kindly sponsored by TES To find out more about their essential resource packs for teachers, please visit here *** On this episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast I spoke to KrisContinue reading
#097 Exam malpractice – Inside Exams with AQA
Something a bit different for this episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast You may or may not know that I also host a podcast called Inside Exams, where I go behind the scenes of theContinue reading