We have a brand new feature at Diagnostic Questions that I am very excited to tell you about. It goes by the name of GCSE Revision Streams, and they work like this. Each of yourContinue reading
Category: Diagnostic Questions
Five things we do with our GCSE Maths classes
Last week I was lucky enough to present a workshop at the wonderful La Salle National Maths Conference entitled “Five things we do with our GCSE Maths classes”. It went down quite well, and aContinue reading
GCSE Maths Countdown: Days 100 to 91
As I mentioned in a previous post, each day I am tweeting out one Higher and one Foundation Maths GCSE Diagnostic Question. I have chosen these to cover as wide a range of the courseContinue reading
Misconceptions: Probability Tree Diagrams – Maths Diagnostic Question of the Week 22
What are the major misconceptions that students have when it comes to probability tree diagrams? Specifically, are students able to correctly interpret the meaning of the question and select which branches they require? Using real life dataContinue reading
Misconceptions: Area of a Triangle – Maths Diagnostic Question of the Week 21
What are the major misconceptions that students have when it comes to calculating the area of a triangle? Specifically, can students correctly determine which lengths are needed to get the right answer? Using real life data andContinue reading
Misconceptions: Stem and Leaf Diagrams at GCSE – Maths Diagnostic Question of the Week 20
What are the major misconceptions that students have when it comes to Stem and Leaf Diagrams at GCSE? Surely nothing can go wrong in this lovely topic?… Using real life data and explanations from students all aroundContinue reading
Probability – Combined Events: Maths Diagnostic Question of the Week 19
What are the major misconceptions that students have when it comes to combining events in probability? Specifically, when the question does not explicitly ask for a tree diagram, what strategies to students employ, and what mistakes do theyContinue reading
Diagnostic Questions in Students’ Exercise Books
One of our NQTs, Jess Murphy, showed me a lovely way she has been using the new pdf feature of her Year 8 students’ responses to a Diagnostic Question quiz. And she has kindly allowedContinue reading
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions: Maths Diagnostic Question of the Week 18
What are the major misconceptions that students have when it comes to simplifying algebraic expressions, or collecting like terms? Specifically, what happens when students are faced with squared and non-squared terms? Using real life data andContinue reading
Diagnostic Questions – new videos and features!
I have recorded a new series of videos to highlight some of the new (completely free!) features available on my Diagnostic Questions website, and to help out different users find the information and features they areContinue reading
Fractions and Negative Numbers: Maths Diagnostic Question of the Week 17
What are the major misconceptions that students have when it comes to combining fractions with negative numbers? Are they the same as they have when dealing with these two topics in isolation, or do aContinue reading
Spelling! – Christmas Special Diagnostic Question of the Week
As a special Christmas treat, we take a temporary break from the wonderful world of mathematics to turn our attention to everyone’s second favourite subject… Spelling! Feast your eyes upon the following fiendish question and askContinue reading
Just for Fun Quizzes for the last week of Christmas term
With the Christmas holidays almost here, and just one more week of school to get through, I thought it might be useful to write a few non-maths quizzes that you could set your students. These couldContinue reading
Gradient of Straight Line Graphs: Maths Diagnostic Question of the Week 16
What are the major misconceptions students have when it comes to working out the gradient of a straight line? Using real life data and explanations from students all around the world from my Diagnostic Questions website,Continue reading
Effective GCSE Maths Revision
Each week I put together a 10 question maths Diagnostic Quiz for my lovely higher tier Year 11 GCSE Maths class. They get set it on a Monday, and it is due in Thursday morning.Continue reading
Area using Algebra: Maths Diagnostic Question of the Week 15
What are the major misconceptions students have when combing algebra with geometry? Specifically, what misunderstandings do students reveal when attempting to work out the area of a simple shape, but with the sides containing unknowns? UsingContinue reading
Diagnostic Questions: How to add students
There are loads of exciting new features, all freely available at my Diagnostic Questions website. These include the ability to import students and assign quizzes, which they can answer on their phones, tablets or computers.Continue reading
Diagnostic Questions: analysing your students’ results
One of my favourite new features of my Diagnostic Questions website is the ability to analyse your students’ responses to a quiz. There is the immediacy of the automatic marking, giving you an instant feel forContinue reading
Significant Figures: Maths Diagnostic Question of the Week 14
What are the major misconceptions and misunderstandings that students have when it comes to rounding to significant figures? Using real life data and actual student explanations, we can gain a deep insight into how students think.Continue reading
Maths Diagnostic Question Bundles 12: More Quizzes! :-)
Loads more top quality quizzes have been added to the maths Diagnostic Questions website this week, both by myself and by other users. This makes me very happy 🙂 Remember, you can use these directlyContinue reading