Craig Barton interviews guests from the wonderful world of education about their approaches to teaching, educational research and more. All show notes, resources and videos here: https://www.mrbartonmaths.com/blog/
Jemma returns to the show for a surprisingly maths-less episode as she discusses her and her department’s plans for what will prove to be a challenging return to school in September 2020, as well as sharing advice for Heads of Department that is timeless.
For more information about today’s guest, plus links to the websites, resources and ideas they mention, please visit the show notes page: http://www.mrbartonmaths.com/blog/jemma-sherwood-part-2-preparing-for-september-2020-being-a-head-of-department/

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast, with me Craig Barton.
Jemma is Head of Maths at Haybridge High School and Sixth Form in Worcestershire. Jemma is a governor at a primary school, and a professional development lead for the NCETM. She is also the creator of one of my favourite educational blogs – jemmaths.wordpress.com – and the author of How To Enhance Your Maths Subject Knowledge.
As we embark upon a new school year – the likes of which we have never experienced before due to Covid-19 and the impact it has had – I thought Jemma was the perfect guest to have on to try to answer the many questions that have been flying around Twitter.
So, in a wide-ranging conversation, we chatted about the following things and plenty more besides:
- How is Jemma feeling about going back to school?
- What will be her first message to her department and her students?
- How is she adapting her schemes of work for each year group?
- How will she cope with things like collecting in book, moving around classrooms and Assessment for Learning?
- What advice does she have for Heads of Departments in general?
- And then we do something we were unable to do last time Jemma was on the show… talk about her excellent book
- Jemma ends by reflecting on something she wish she new when she started teaching
I loved this conversation. Despite her wealth of experience, Jemma speaks with tremendous modesty, making it clear that none of what she says is meant of advice or guaranteed to work, but hearing how she and her team have thought through the challenges that lie ahead and come up with a wide variety of approaches will hopefully provide food for thought for those listening in similar positions.
On Twitter Jemma is @jemmaths
Jemma’s blog is: jemmaths.wordpress.com
Jemma’s book is How To Enhance Your Mathematics Subject Knowledge: Number and Algebra for Secondary Teachers
Jemma Sherwood’s Big 3:
1. Median maths blog
2. Corbett Maths
3. Mathsbot
My usual plugs:
- My online courses are here: craigbarton.podia.com
- My books are “Reflect, Expect, Check, Explain” and “How I wish I’d taught maths”
- If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of the show, then drop me an email at [email protected]
- You can help support the show via my Patreon page at patreon.com/mrbartonmaths