Something completely different this week. It’s time for some Gnomes homes!
This is a lovely activity that challenges students to construct 8 different houses out of 5 multi-link cubes. They then need to draw them on isometric paper, and calculate the cost of the homes using a simple formula based on the number of stories. This not only enables them to practise their 3D sketching skills and metal arithmetic, but also offers up the potential for a much wider reaching, fun engaging investigation. This is a wonderful activity that my Year 7s loved!
Thank you for sharing!
Craig Barton
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I have used this activity many times with a number of adaptations:
1: Find as many different homes as possible – reflections, rotations of homes are not allowed (at least 15 are possible).
2: Find the cost of living in the home for 6 years with various conditions, eg, rent paid bi-weekly according to area of footprint of home, painting all outside surfaces every two years, takes paid quarterly according to footprint.