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Fractions of an Amount: Diagnostic questions

Diagnostic questions are the cornerstone of my formative assessment strategy. I tend to ask at least 3 diagnostic questions every single lesson, every single day, to every single class. I use them to assess baseline knowledge, make decisions at key points in my lesson, and to inform my planning of future lessons. I tend to ask them with no technology - simply asking students to vote, 1 finger for A, 2 for B, 3 for C and 4 for D. I describe my process for using diagnostic questions in class in Chapter 11 of my book, How I wish I'd taught maths, and in the following blog posts:


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These are some of my favourite dIagnostic questions to use in class for this topic.

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My website,, has tens of thousands of top-quality, free diagnostic questions. Make sure you have registered on the website, and then follow the link below to be taken straight to relevant questions, ordered by the most recent uploads

Search for: fractions of an amount diagnostic questions